by bluora
Translate a word or text to a given language using Yandex Translation service.
by bluora
A Laravel warraper for the eluceo/iCal package that offers a abstraction layer for creating iCalendars. You can easily create iCal files by using PHP object instead of typing your *.ics file by hand. The output will follow RFC 5545 as best as possible.
by bluora
Provides a Laravel console command that can watch a given folder, and any changes are passed to the provided command script.
by bluora
Provides dynamic attribute filtering for Laravel's Eloquent Model.
by bluora
Provides the ability to import a file or files from a folder into your database.
by bluora
Provides console commands, models and migration scripts to syncronize datasets.
by bluora
Provides support for tracking current user against model changes for the Eloquent ORM