laravel-easy-log maintained by cafe-serendipity
Makes logging easy inside your Laravel-project. Includes handlers for file-, MySql-, stdOut- & stdError- and also mail-logging.
Last update
2017/09/04 07:35 (0.1.5)
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Laravel-Easy-Log helps you to log into differnet files per level or into a MySQL-datatbase, for which you also get a Log-view.
composer require cafe-serendipity/laravel-easy-log
- add the provider to config/app.php
- having the configuration-file, views & controller available in your application, you have to publish them
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lel --force
- if you wanna log on application-level, means also Laravel is logging through Laravel-Easy-Log, add the following to bootstrap/app.php just before return $app;. Because Laravel-Easy-Log is logging ow for you, you have to switch on at least file or db in config/laravel-easy-log.php
$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($logger) {
- now use it as usual:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
Log::debug("CONTEXT log in DEBUG", array('col1' => 'Hi, I am a context log.'));
Log::info("CONTEXT log in INFO", array(
'col1' => 'Hi, I am a context log.',
'col2' => 'Hi, I am a context log.'
- if you don't wanna have Laravel logging through Laravel-Easy-Log, but you wanna do it on your own, you have to create an instance of Laravel-Easy-Log:
$logger = \Piccard\LEL\LEL::configureMonolog("channel-name");
$logger->info("Whatever you want to log");
- now use the instance:
$logger->debug("CONTEXT log in DEBUG", array('col1' => 'Hi, I am a context log.'));
$logger->info("CONTEXT log in INFO", array(
'col1' => 'Hi, I am a context log.',
'col2' => 'Hi, I am a context log.'
Open up config/laravel-easy-log and enable the handlers you want to use. Basically you can use the same options like in Monolog.
- use_default_connection You can use your default DB-connection or define a custom one.
- app is just another column, if you use different Laravel-applications and the same logging-server, so you can filter them better out.
- table the table which will be created for logging
- columns define here some extra columns, which you can use when you log, which is similar to Monolog's context logging
Log::info("CONTEXT log in DEBUG", array('col1' => 'Hi, I am a context log.'));
To get to the view of your DB-Logs goto the route /lel
- log_levels define here which files you want foreach log-level
laravel-easy-log is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.