idea-meta maintained by sebwite
- php >=5.5.9
- sebwite/support ~1.0|~2.0
- danielstjules/stringy ~1.8|~2.0
- php >=5.5.9
- sebwite/support ~1.0|~2.0
- danielstjules/stringy ~1.8|~2.0
- php >=5.5.9
- sebwite/support ~1.0|~2.0
- danielstjules/stringy ~1.8|~2.0
- php >=5.5.9
- sebwite/support ~1.0
- php >=5.5.9
- sebwite/support 1.0.*
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Laravel PHPStorm & IDEA Meta generator
is a package for the Laravel 5 framework.
The package follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code.
Generates .phpstorm.meta.php
,like barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper but allows developers to easily add new their own generators.
Currently generates for Laravel 5:
- Application bindings
- Config
- Routes
Quick Installation
Begin by installing the package through Composer.
composer require sebwite/idea-meta
Add the service provider
Generate the meta file
php artisan idea-meta
Override or add generators
All Meta
generators should extend the Sebwite\IdeaMeta\Metas\BaseMeta
abstract class.
generators can then be added to the MetaRepository
by for example, using the binding: app('idea-meta')->add(App\MyCustomMeta::class)
Here's a quick example:
class ConfigMeta extends BaseMeta
protected $methods = [
'new \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository',
public function getData()
return array_dot($this->app['config']->all());
class ConfigMetaServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot(){
And thats it! You now have code-completion for all your config
Some other examples
class RoutesMeta extends BaseMeta
protected $methods = [
'new \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator',
public function getData()
$routes = [ ];
/** @var \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */
$_routes = $this->app[ 'router' ]->getRoutes()->getRoutes();
foreach ($_routes as $route) {
$routes[ $route->getName() ] = false; //$route->getUri();
return $routes;
class CodexMeta extends BaseMeta
protected $methods = [
'new \Codex\Core\Codex',
public function getData()
return app('Codex\Core\Contracts\Codex')->getExtenableProperty('extensions');
public static function canRun()
return class_exists('Codex\Core\Contracts\Codex', false);
class BitbucketMeta extends BaseMeta
protected $template = <<<'EOF'
@foreach($methods as $method)
{!! $method !!} => [
'' == '@',
@foreach($data as $k => $v)
'{!! $k !!}' instanceof {!! \Sebwite\Support\Str::ensureLeft($v, '\\') !!},
protected $methods = [
'new \Bitbucket\API\Api',
public function getData()
$classes = [];
$apiClasses = [ 'GroupPrivileges', 'Groups', 'Invitations', 'Privileges', 'Repositories', 'Teams', 'User', 'Users' ];
$apiDir = base_path(Path::join('vendor', 'gentle', 'bitbucket-api', 'lib', 'Bitbucket', 'API'));
foreach (['Repositories', 'User', 'Users', 'Groups'] as $dir) {
$files = array_merge(
glob(Path::join($apiDir, $dir, '*.php')),
glob(Path::join($apiDir, $dir, '*/*.php'))
foreach ($files as $filePath) {
$ext = Path::getExtension($filePath);
$rel = Path::makeRelative($filePath, $apiDir);
$res = Str::removeRight($rel, '.' . $ext);
$apiClasses[] = Str::replace($res, '/', '\\');
#['BranchRestrictions', 'Changesets', 'Commits', 'Deploykeys']
foreach ($apiClasses as $apiClass) {
$classes[$apiClass] = 'Bitbucket\\API\\' . $apiClass;
return $classes;
public static function canRun()
return class_exists('Bitbucket\API\Api', false);