by aspose
This is a Laravel Package to use Aspose cloud in Laravel 4 & 5 applications quickly and easily. Aspose for Cloud is a REST API to work with a number of file formats including word precessing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs and images.
by mabasic
Laravel facade that gets images from a folder sorted by filename and filtered.
by cbcaio
Add uploaded images to models in an easy-to-use and fast approach. Process and save modified versions of images, like avatar, thumbnail, different sizes, you decide. Write images using flysystem.
by amostajo
Package provides laravel with Image Handler class, perfect to create thumbs, resize or crop images.
by spescina
Laravel packages that provide a basic user interface for browsing a server folder, for uploading files and for picking a file
by silvanite
A Laravel Nova Image Field with Flysystem Adapter for storing and retrieving media from Cloudinary
by rufhausen
Laravel Package for using a placeholder image service to add images to your application.