by longman
Package to implement right Repository/Service architecture in Laravel 5.x
by rinvex
Rinvex Repository is a simple, intuitive, and smart implementation of Active Repository with extremely flexible & granular caching system for Laravel, used to abstract the data layer, making applications more flexible to maintain.
by okaybueno
A package that provides a neat implementation to integrate the Repository pattern in Laravel with Eloquent.
by czim
Repository for Laravel (inspired by and indebted to Bosnadev/Repositories)
by foothing
This package provides an implementation of the repository pattern for Laravel 5.
by guosheng1987
This package support a easy way to bind a parameter named `$filters` to your url. After that your Bulider instance can bind it into your `Where` condition
by siokas
Provides a custom Laravel Blade directive to embed anything in the view using the Embed\Embed package.
by laravelvue
laraVue Generator is a extend version of InfyOm Generator. that i extend for my own requirements
A library for implementing repositories with magic finders for the Eloquent ORM.
by ceddyg
Repository using query builder. To return a Collection of stdClass or a simple stdClass. It's faster and use less memory than Eloquent if you just want data from database.