by codex
Authentication / Access control addon for Codex. Works with github/bitbucket login. Define groups that can access the docs.
by rinvex
Rinvex Auth is a powerful authentication, authorization and verification package built on top of Laravel. It provides developers with Role Based Access Control, TwoFactor Authentication, Social Authentication, compatible with Laravel’s standard API and fully featured all-in-one solution out of the box.
by efficiently
AuthorityController is an PHP authorization library for Laravel 5 which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.
by mojoblanco
A laravel package for blacklisting or whitelisting specific email providers or domains
by rinvex
Rinvex Auth is a powerful authentication, authorization and verification package built on top of Laravel. It provides developers with Role Based Access Control, TwoFactor Authentication, Social Authentication, compatible with Laravel’s standard API and fully featured all-in-one solution out of the box.
by cortex
Cortex Fort is a frontend layer for the powerful authentication, authorization and verification package rinvex/fort on top of Laravel. It has all required controllers, views, routes, and other required assets to run a fully functional user management system with complete dashboard out of the box.
by alimfazeli
Light-weight role-based permissions for Laravel 5 built in Auth system. based on kodeine/laravel-acl
by sztyup
Light-weight role-based permissions for Laravel 5 built in Auth system. (forked by sztyup)
by emiliosh
Light-weight role-based permissions for Laravel 5 built in Auth system.
by rinvex
Rinvex Auth is a powerful authentication, authorization and verification package built on top of Laravel. It provides developers with Role Based Access Control, TwoFactor Authentication, Social Authentication, compatible with Laravel’s standard API and fully featured all-in-one solution out of the box.
by rinvex
Rinvex Authy is a simple wrapper for Authy TOTP, the best rated Two-Factor Authentication service for consumers, simplest 2fa Rest API for developers and a strong authentication platform for the enterprise.