by hilioski
Allows seeding of the database with CSV files and extract clear unit from string
by nwidart
Export your database quickly and easily as a Laravel Migration and all the data as a Seeder class.
by elimuswift
Export your database quickly and easily as a Laravel Migration and all the data as a Seeder class.
by hadeluca
this is a package for Laravel Framework to export, via command line, Database in Migration and all data in a Seed
by nwidart
Export your database quickly and easely as a Laravel Migration and all the data as a Seeder class.
by skovachev
A model factory package for Laravel 4 with expressive API for creating custom tailored dummy objects
by orangehill
Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table.
by bluora
Provides the ability to import a file or files from a folder into your database.
Run your seeder files without touching your DatabaseSeeder.php file.
by edrands
The Enhanced Laravel Project Seeder gets new Laravel projects up-and-running fast. Features self-contained testing (no pear or global testing package required).
by jlapp
Smart Seeder adds the same methology to seeding that is currently used with migrations in order to let you seed in batches, seed to production databases or other environments, and to rerun seeds without wiping out your data.