by marcreichel
A Laravel wrapper for version 4 of the IGDB API (Apicalypse) including webhook handling
by redeman
Laravel Package for Imgur API. Provides easy access to the adyg/php-imgur-api-client library.
by padosoft
agnostic helpers to use as foundation in packages and other project
by nunomaduro
Send notifications to your desktop from your Laravel commands. An JoliNotif wrapper for Laravel 5.
by thedoctor0
Laravel mail driver package for Mailjet and wrapper for its API. Supports Laravel 5.x, 6.x, 7.x. and 8.x
by honarkhah
laravel-SMS is a package made for Laravel to send/receive (polling/pushing) text messages. Currently supports melipayamak and Twilio.
by okaufmann
PHP wrapper for TMDB (TheMovieDatabase) API v3. Supports two types of approaches, one modelled with repositories, models and factories. And the other by simple array access to RAW data from The Movie Database.
by nikapps
An API wrapper for ORTC (Real-Time framework from realtime.co) based on Laravel framework
by honarkhah
laravel-SMS is a package made for Laravel to send/receive (polling/pushing) text messages. Currently supports melipayamak and Twilio.
by vasil7112
SteamInventory is a wrapper around the JSON Steam API that grabs a user's items - all packaged up for Laravel.
by braseidon
This package uses the Steam API (requires dev key) to check prices for game items, like in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This is a Laravel 5 based package.
by gurzhii
This package uses the Steam API (requires dev key) to check prices for game items, like in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This is a Laravel 5 based package.